About The Heat

Just a little bit about us.....

2012 Hudson Heat Gold 18U

Our Mission

The Hudson Heat Gold is an elite level 18U softball team committed to assisting our high school athletes in gaining the exposure necessary to play at the collegiate level. Recognized as one of the top teams in New England at their age level, this team has played at the 18U level the past two summers. Past season's highlights include 4 NH ASA State Championships in 5 years and several National berths in Pony, NSA and ASA. Our goal is to help serious softball players develop and hone their skills so that they may compete with the most competitive travel programs in New England. The summer of 2012 was the final season for this group of players and coaches.  Action saw the Heat win the Barbara Hamilton Memorial Touranment and place 3rd in the NSA Summa Sizzla. 

The Hudson Heat Program

Our Heat teams participate in "A" level fastpitch tournaments throughout the region. Heat teams have won several prestigious tournaments, including ASA State and New England Regional championships and have placed well in National championship play. Our top teams bring together the strongest players from the region. In 2013, the Hudson Heat expects to have teams at the following age levels: 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U and 18U. Refer to the Hudson Heat web site for additional information on those teams.
